Wednesday, May 15, 2013

An ode my mother(s)

So I haven't even had a blog for a month...and I've already fallen off of the bandwagon. Sorry. So something that I kind of missed or just passed up was mothers day. I know...I'm horrible. I texted my three mothers, and told them happy mothers day, and that was about it. I gave them their gifts prior to mothers day because I knew I wouldn't be with them. Welp, in case you thought it was weird that I said my THREE's why: Grace. wicked step-mother. I know, I know....shame on me for calling her that. But in all reality, she's really pretty great. My mom and dad got divorced when I was born, so naturally, they both have different spouses. Grace came along when I was in the 8th grade, living with my dad, and being somewhat of a runt. I remember the first time I met her, I thought...WOW. This lady can TALK! She is sooo different from my dad...but I LIKE her!!! Have you ever seen the show, The Nanny??? Well, her name may as well be nanny Fine, she is soo much like her! She also brought along two daughters, a son in law, and at that time...ONE grandson. They were ALL crazy. They fit right in....or I guess I should say that I fit right in with them. Grace brought in this whole new meaning to California for me, and since it had always been my dad, brother and I, it was kinda nice to have another female around!!! I had never seen my dad so happy before, and so much more relaxed around her. I'm a firm believer that she actually helped bring my dad and I closer together. I absolutely love this lady, and I am beyond blessed, and thankful to have her as my wicked step-mother, and I'm thankful to be her Cinderella!!!

 2.  My Milly. My mother-in-law.
Most people refer to their mother in laws as 'monster-in-laws', I just call mine Milly. That's about right.
I really don't think that there are enough words in the English dictionary to describe this woman. Seriously. She's crazyawesome. It's probably because we are so much alike in so many ways, but sooo different in so many others. She's one of the FIRST people I have EVER met to LITERALLY render me speechless. She's done that quite a few times. I never know what to expect out her mouth. But she's super fun to be around, and I know that I can always go to her when I need anything, whether it be advice on a sore subject, cooking ware, or even her precious fabric. She shares with me. She loves me. One thing that I am BEYOND thankful for, (and I realize how corny this may sound) is how much  of Daniel's things she kept from when he was little. I can go through and look at all of his schoolwork from when he was a little boy, pictures, birthday cards, journals that she made him write. I LOVE it. It means soooo much to me to be able to go and look at that. She homeschooled SIX kids....and did a FANTASTIC job. I don't know anyone who could have done it, and been as organized as her, and actually do a good job. But she did. She helped raise and mold my husband into what he is today, and who I fell in love with. He was a sincere gentleman in this world of creeps. He learned how to treat a woman with respect, he learned how to compliment a lady, and he learned how to dress like a gentleman too! He's learned a lot from both of his parents, as have I! Now in order to be able to get along with my Milly have to have a bit of a rough sense of humor. She's not the easiest person to understand....I still have my days where I have no clue where she's coming from, but I also have my days where it scares me more that I DO know where she's coming from!!! Either way, she's the best mother in law that I could have ever asked for, and I'm beyond blessed and thankful to have her in my life!!!!
3. Last, but CERTAINLY not MOM! 
People say a lot of times that you save the best for last...well I can admit that I definitely did. My mom is by far the best mom that I could have asked for.She has been through so much in her life, and all along the way taught me very important lessons, whether she meant to or not. She's not perfect, but I have been able to learn A LOT from her.She was the kind of mother who let us kids find our way through life,and make our own mistakes and *HOPEFULLY* learn from them. It took me a while to learn from quite a few, and some I am still working on, but I know that she is always there saying "Trust God", or "If it's in God's will...". She brought us up going to church, and I always knew that whether I did or not, my mom would be believing and praying and trusting God. It took me a VERY long time to actually appreciate those things, and to realize that no matter what was going on in her life, she was NOT going to blame God, like at different times that I was.  I know that if I EVER need anyone to come and take care of me when I'm'll be her. She doesn't care about the hour drive to come and take care of me. Something that I'm even MORE thankful for is how beautiful she is!!! She has aged VERY well, and I'm totally looking forward to growing older! She has GORGEOUS skin, and little to no wrinkles!!! Everyone is always telling me that I look just like her....I don't really see it, but I'm okay with that. We have our disagreements, but we are so much like sisters, to where no matter what, we can always get over it, and be best friends again. I love my mom so much, and unfortunately there are days when I just don't call her, or tell her that I do, but the thing that she can at least have SOME comfort that I DO think about her EVERYDAY, and I do thank God for her everyday!!!! 

1 comment:

  1. That was wonderful! You have some great women in your life! You described Mom to tee by the way! ;)
